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WordPress Security in 2024: The LiteSpeed Cache Vulnerability

WordPress dominates the internet landscape, powering 43.5% of all websites – approximately 478 million sites worldwide. Its popularity…
Evil twin attack image Evil twin attack image

The Dangers of Public Wi-Fi Networks

In an alarming cyber security incident, an Australian man has been charged for conducting ‘evil twin’ Wi-Fi attacks…
XZ Utils Backdoor XZ Utils Backdoor

HTB: Business CTF – Mitigation Writeup

This forensics challenge was part of the HTB Business CTF 2024: The Vault of Hope. I found this…
Skull with locks around it Skull with locks around it

Black Basta’s Ransomware Reign: 500 Breaches and Counting

Black Basta, one of the most prominent ransomware operators, has recently been attributed to having breached over 500…
Hackers performing espionage on the world Hackers performing espionage on the world

Unveiling the Cyber Espionage Tactics of APT42

APT42, which is believed to be affiliated with Iran’s government intelligence agency IRGC-IO, has been implicated in a…